Ohlins DFV Services

Understanding Ohlins DFV Dampers

Ohlins DFV standard dampers
Ohlins dfv macpherson struts

DFV Standard Dampers

DFV MacPherson Struts

Ohlins DFV struts are inverted for the ultimate in rigidity during cornering. Instead of the piston shaft taking the cornering load, the main body of the damper combined with an outer housing take the cornering load. This results in less friction, less loss of camber, more precise steering feel, and better compliance. The large “Chromeshaft” is the main body of the damper and the

Rebuild Services

Our rebuild service starts out with a tear down and cleaning followed by an inspection of all parts to determine if there are any issues. Items such as pistons, piston rods, and main tubes showing wear beyond tolerance may require a new damper as these parts are not available separately.  Once we deem everything to be in proper condition, we then proceed with the rebuild and a test run on the dyno.

Items such as top mount bearings, spring perches and other "external" items are not included in standard rebuild prices. They are billed separately on a case by case basis depending on what is needed. Please note that a rebuild is not the same as a revalve, please see our Revalve Service below for more details.

*Please note, strut guide bushings are not part of a standard rebuild. They are an additional item. Strut guide bushings only need to be replaced on a case by case basis.


Damper & MacPherson Strut Rebuild Pricing: (Includes parts and labor)

  • $270 set of two

  • $500 set of four 

MacPherson Strut Chrome Shaft Bushings: (Includes parts and labor)

  • $250.00 per pair*

Revalve Services

Valving is a term for the force a damper makes depending how fast (velocity) the suspension is moving up and down (bump and droop).  Valving is determined by many factors such as the use case (street or track), spring rates, motion ratios, driving style and more. In other words, there is a lot more to it than simply “matching the spring.”

Standard revalves are priced based on prior research from either 3DM or Ohlins. For custom valving please Contact Us

All revalves consist of modified shim stacks, oil, and dyno tested to ensure proper forces are obtained. No service parts are replaced unless necessary.

Please note that a revalve is not the same as a rebuild, please see our Rebuild Service for more details.


Standard Revalve:

  • $120.00 (set of 2)

  • $240.00 (set of 4)

Revalve when combined with a rebuild:

  • $60.00 (Set of 2)

  • $120.00 (set of 4)

Top Mount Services

If you start to hear a clunking noise over bumps, especially in parking lots, this may be a worn top mount spherical bearing. Fortunately Ohlins top mounts feature replaceable spherical bearings where you do not have to replace the entire mount. 

Please note that on occasion, spherical bearings that are heavily worn or have been bottomed out extremely hard may have damaged the bearing housing. In this case the complete camber plate must be replaced.


(Pricing includes a new spherical bearing and labor for ONE top mount)

  • $120.00 for top mounts requiring 14mm spherical bearings

  • $140.00 for top mounts requiring 16mm spherical bearings

  • $160.00 for top mounts requiring 18mm spherical bearings

Custom Services